Four pages of images from multiple places in Wyoming: This page includes images from Cheyenne, Evanston, and Green River. Subsequent pages include images from Guernsey and Devil's Tower, Grand Teton National Park, and Yellowstone National Park.
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Views in Wyoming
August 18-19, 2013

View of nearly full moon at sunset in Cheyenne
[Two photos stitched together showing open blue sky across which pink clouds are spread. In the far right is a nearly full moon.]

Bison at Bear River State Park in Evanston
[Eleven of twelve bison lay in a field. There is one standing giving a perfect side profile of the animal. In the background is a fence and then the parking lot.]

Showy Fleabane Daisy at Bear River State Park in Evanston
[A large clump of purple-petaled, yellow-centered daisies.]

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Motoring across Wyoming
May 30, 2009

Interstate 25 north of Cheyenne (One sees a lot of land views when driving through Wyoming.)
[View taken through the windshield of the vehicle at the roadway ahead. It's flat land with green grass on either side and a huge blue sky overhead with a patch of very white clouds.]

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Green River, Wyoming
August 10, 2012

Green River
[View from a bridge across the river. On the left bank the rocky land is approximately 60 feet high while on the right the grassy land is just a few feet above the water. The river bends to the right in the distance and behind it are sandstone colored mountains.]

Fisherman in the Green River
[A man stands in water reaching mid-thigh with one arm extended as he has just cast his pole. Behind him is the high, rocky bank with houses atop it. The water is surrounded by green vegetation.]

Hillside surrounding Green River, Wyoming seen from Expedition Island Park.
[Grey and sandstone colored rock rising way above the greenery at the riverbank in the foreground. One piece of rock resembles a large (wide) chimney. Within part of the rock on the right side of the image are two dark half circles which are the tunnels for the east and west bound traffic on Interstate 80.]

Close-up of the tunnels through which Interstate 80 runs (tunnel also in the prior photo)
[Close-up of the tunnel openings through which a tractor trailer has just exited heading east. The hillside is naturally all rock and no vegetation.]

A tree on Expedition Island
[This lone tree is three times as high as its neighboring vegetation. The middle of the sky behind it is white with thin cloud cover while the top is mostly blue with some wisps of white.]

One of the comfortable benches at Expedition Park
[The top of the back and the front of the seat are each linked by chains to the top of the overhead frame creating a swinging suspended bench which sits near the edge of the Green River. The frame and the bench are painted green.]

Continue to Devil's Tower photos. (page 2 of 4)

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