Wyoming Views - Page 4 of 4

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Yellowstone National Park - mostly in Wyoming but parts are also in Montana and Idaho
September 28-29, 2008

Mammoth Hot Springs terrace formation (This is calcium buildup spewed by the geysers.)
[Geyer buildup coming down a hillside.]

Close view of the top of the Mammoth Hot Springs terrace formation
[The top lip of the formation looks like a bunch of thick icicles.]

Mammoth Hot Springs boardwalk view
[A terraced view of geyser buildup formations.]

Some Artists Paintpots viewed from the hillside above.
[Colorful ground formation from minerals in the geyers.]

A mudpot bubbler at the Artists Paintpots site
[A mudpot at the Artists Paintpots site.]

Bubbling mudpots at Artists Paintpots area.
[Bubbling mudpots at Artists Paintpots area.]

Lower portion of buildup at Orange Spring mound
[Orange Spring Mound lower buildup.]

Porcelain Springs area
[Panoramic view of Porcelain Springs.]

A close view of one of the vents at the Porcelain Springs area
[A close view of two holes with steam coming from them. The ground around the hoels is shades of red-brown while further out the ground appears to be blue and white (from the salt build-ups).]

Old Faithful geyser
[In an open field a geyser is spewing thick white steam into the cloudless blue sky above.]

Tower Falls
[Two photos stitched together vertically to capture the entire falls and some of the water upstream of the falls.]

Gibbons Falls
[Gibbons Falls]

Hillside by the Madison River (It takes years for the trees to recover from fire.)
[A thin ribbon of green water is at the bottom of the image and a strip of blue sky is at the top. The rest is a mosly brown steep hillside with tree trunk sticks devoid of greenery. At the water's edge is a row of short evergreens which are fully leafed.]

Bison on the move.
[Side front view of a bison with thicker brown fur on the front half of its body walking through the tan knee-high grasses.]

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