Last page of the sunsets near the extended-stay hotel I frequented in Jacksonville, Florida.
Page 3 of 3 of sunsets

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Interesting cloud pattern the evening of June 7, 2014
[This evening sky is shades of blue and grey aboev the horizon. The sun set behind the clouds so there's only lightness as a backdrop against the rows of small puffy clouds in the sky.]

December 6, 2014
[A splash of clouds in the sky backlit by the setting sun. The trees on the horizon are dark even as the sky is light. The clouds are grey on the near side but white on the far-side edges. A few spots are even yellow-gold.]

September 9, 2015
[A large thick bank of clouds covers the upper right half of the sky. Behind this cloud to the left and top are light blue skies. The lower levels of this cloud have a light-orange tinge. The light posts and trees in the image are dark because the sky behind them is so bright.]

Dramatic cloud pattern the evening of June 15, 2014
[This image is more than 75% sky with just a line of tree silhouette in the lower right corner. On the left side is a thick dark cloud the length of the image. There is also a dark cloud in the lower right corner. In the middle is an open expanse of very light sky with bits and wisps of clouds in it.]

The sky the evening of June 9, 2014
[Two photos stitched together with a huge cloud mass covering most of the sky. There is a open area of sky in the distance which lights the underside of this huge cloud as the sun sets. Sky color is blue/grey with beige/yellow patches. The lights above the nearly empty parking lot are lit putting white splotches on the image.]

October 16, 2015
[The image is 80% sky which is patterned with white-yellow clouds dispersed in small even segments across the sky above the darkness of the tree below.]

A bit ealier that same evening before the wind picked up there was a different pattern in the sky.
[While only the upper left of this image has blue sky, the image is mostly sky with relative little cloud cover. The sky is orange near teh tops of the trees. The clouds are still white.]

The water misting from the clouds evaporated quickly as it fell on October 4, 2015.
[A close view of a cloud with wisps of white below most of it. The top part of the cloud is a very dark color while the rest is creamy white against the blue sky.]

December 24, 2014
[Palm trees in the foreground are dark splotches against a colorful sky. There is one horizontal section of light blue, but the rest of the sky is covered in a cloud blanket. The cloud colors range from yellow-white to beige to dark grey amond the layered clouds in the sky.]

December 28, 2015
[Palm trees in the foreground on the left and right are dark. In the distance the sun is setting behind a row of trees, but in front of a bank of clouds just at the horizon. The setting sun creates a yellow cast to the low clouds. Above this bank of clouds is a mostly blue sky with numerous bright white small clouds.]

July 13, 2016
[There are leaves in the foreground hanging from the tree overhead which provides some darkness to the light-colored sky in the distance. Much of the sky is covered with white to light-grey clouds, but there are some openings of blue. The sun has already set behind the trees in the background creating a yellow-orange backdrop to the oulines of the trees and light posts.]

August 6, 2016
[The sky is nearly completely cloud-coverd. The setting sun has colored the underside of the clouds yellow. while the palm trees and pine trees at the horizon appear dark, the yellow sky hightlights the outlines of the trees.]

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