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Page 1 of 2 of Midland scenes

A Texas roadside staple (Watch it move.)
[An animated sequence of two images of a yellow oil derrick as it pumps in a field beyond a barbed-wire fence.]

A Texas-sized insect walking across the dirt.
[A dark, six-legged critter walks away to the left across sandy-colored dirt. It's body has two sections and long antenna projecting from its head.]

A western spotted orbweaver traversing two strands of web which are faintly visible on the left side of the photo.
[The brown spider with cream-colored markings on its belly seems to be suspended in air as the web strands are barely visible against the blue sky. This spide has small spine-like protuberances on its legs.]

The western spotted orbweaver made it to the brick wall.
[This view has no glare from the sun so one can tell the legs have brown and tan stripes. The main body has tan markings that almost look like zipper markings on the brown back. The spider is still on the web, but is just at the juncture where the web is attached to the brick.]

This was attached to the neighbor's house. I don't know what type of spider made it.
[Spider web attached at one end to a roof eave, another end is attached to a light sticking out from the building, and another piece is attached to something just out of view to the bottom of the image.]

This was in the backyard attached to shrubs.
[Close view of a spider web which mostly seems to be hanging in air as muted green and fence slats are in the distance behind it. Bush branches are visible in the upper right and a thicker portion of web strands is in the lower right.]

A male Queen Butterfly
[A side view of a black-veined orange butterfly with white spots on its wings and on its black body. The butterfly picks at the small purple flowers on a light green stalk.]

Giant Swallowtail Butterfly
[Back view of this brown butterfly with its wings fully spread. There are white splotches along the curved edge of the wings and a row of white across the entire center of the top of the wing. The body is brown on the top section and brown and white with a brown stripe down the middle of the bottom section. It's standing on the leaves of a flowering bush.]

Desert Cottontail
[A rabbit facing the camera while sitting at attention on the dirt strewn with small rocks. The rabbit has medium length ears and no fur on the front bottom sections of its legs. It has white fur around the bottom of its head and on the part of its fur closest to the ground (underbelly and legs).]

Continue to more Midland scenes. (page 5 of 5)

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