More flowers I saw in Jacksonville. The ones on this page and the next are primarily yellow.
page 7 of 19 of Jacksonville scenes

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This may be a type of butterfly pea plant. (July 11, 2020)
[One yellow bloom consists of a large yellow petal with some red stripes emanating from the underside of a smaller curved petal sitting atop the large petal. The larger petal has a trough in the center which is where the curved petal rests.]

Two views of the same clump of smooth rattlebox flowers (September 30, 2020)
[Two photos spliced together. The vine on which the flowers are located is twined with a metal chain-link fence. The group of flowers are about a half-dozen yellow blooms all atop each other. There appears to be a long wide petal which is all yellow and a thinner petal which is yellow with red stripes along the length. It is hard to distinguish the individual blooms because the blooms are so close together. The image on the left is more of the backsides of the petals while the image on the right is more the inside view of the petals.]

The peas of the smooth rattlebox plant (September 30, 2020)
[A group of a half-dozen peas hang from a vine. The vine on either side of the pea grouping is smooth and bare. The pea skin is smooth and the pods appear very full.]

Flowers of the smooth rattlebox plant (October 5, 2019)
[A thin green stem runs vertically through the image and is almost completely covered by the multitude of yellow blooms. Each flower is attached separately to the stem, but the irregular shape of the petals (large wide one on top and smaller thinner ones on the bottom) causes them to partially overlap. One of the lower petals of each bloom has thin dark stripes on it while the other petals are completely yellow.]

Goldenrod (November 5, 2018)
[The base stems of this plant are green, but the profusion of small yellow blooms extends down and around the stems hence the name goldenrod. There are many yellow 'rods' visible in this image.]

Goldenrod swaying in the breeze. (October 21, 2023)
[This image is the tops of several plants. The green stems branch in many directions at the top and contain a multitude of yellow flowers.]

Goldenrod after it goes to seed (November 23, 2023)
[Two images spliced together. One the left is a view of the entier top of the plant. All the yellow blooms are gone and replaced completely with white cotton-like blooms. It's as if all the yellow turned white. On the right is a close view of the small white puffs.]

False hawksbeard (February 28, 2016)
[A close view of the top of the plant which must have at least 20 blooms in various states from closed buds to fully opened flowers to whispy white seed fluffs. The flowers have many yellow petals with short dark stamen at the center. The flower buds are conical.]

Dahlberg daisy (February 21, 2016)
[A close view of a small plant with one fully bloomed completely yellow daisy. There is also one tiny closed bud. The greenery for this plant is more needle-like than leaf-like.]

This may be Camphorweed. (August 2, 2018)
[Two yellow flowers each with 15-20 petals surrounding a yellow mound center are attached to a stem which has thick green 'crinkled' leaves. A third bloom has lost all its petals and the center is now a dried brown mound.]

Black-eyed Susan (November 18, 2018)
[A close view of one bloom. It has 13 overlapping yellow petals. Its center appears to be a profusion of individual brown curly-cues.]

Large-flower tickseed (September 15, 2019)
[One yellow bloom growing approximately six inches from the ground. The bloom has eight wide petals and each petal has three v-shaped notches out the outer edge. The center is a dense set of short yellow stamen. The leaves of this plant appear long, narrow, and thick in width.]

Smooth beggartick (November 5, 2018)
[This plant produces a profusion of yellow blooms. Each flower has eight wide yellow petals with a yellow-brown mound in the center. Some blooms have lost all their petals but the brown ball center remains at the top of the stem.]

I believe this is a wild variant of sunflower. (April 22, 2017)
[At the top of a branch are two yellow flowers. One faces upwards so only the undersides of the petals are visible. The other faces the camera displaying eight yellow petals. The center of the flower is green and nubby. There are several rust colored patches at the edge of the green.]

A different wild variant of sunflower (August 5, 2018)
[A close view of one bloom. It has 8 yellow petals which are elongated-heart-shaped. The center of the bloom is green and brown and bristly.]

The bloom on the left has yet to grow its yellow petals to become a wild variant of sunflower. (February 27, 2019)
[The flower bud on the left is totally green and appears to have no petals, but it does have little green stumps around the green center. The eight yellow petals on the right bloom have an identical green center. Each petal also has some brown thread-like sections at the base of the petal near the center as if the petals were stitched to the center.]

Golden aster (October 19, 2018)
[A close view of one open bloom near a small tightly closed bud. The bloom has more than 10 thin yellow petals which are elongated at toothed at the tips. The center of the bloom is yellow with a thick carpet of stamen.]

I believe this may be silkgrass. (September 5, 2019)
[A close view of one bloom with nearly 20 thin yellow petals. The center of the bloom is yellow with a bumpy thick carpet of stamen.]

I believe this may be a type of wild aster. (December 4, 2018)
[A close view of three blooms. The bloom facing the camera has its yellow petals fully extended. The other two blooms have the petals folded away from the center and back under themselves. What appears to be individual petals appear to be grouped at the base so it seems each petal has 2-4 petals on it. The center of the bloom is yellow with a thick carpet of stamen.]

All the stages of camphorweed (September 4, 2020)
[Looking down on six flower buds at the end of the stems. One bud is a fully blooming yellow flower with a thick yellow center. Another one is a complete spherical seed head. The other four appear to be spent blooms with all the yellow gone and what is probably the brown underside of the center remaining.]

All the stages of another aster-family flower (March 23, 2021)
[Looking down on four flower buds at the end of the stems. Two buds on the right are fully blooming yellow flowers with thick yellow centers. Each flower has more than twenty petals with rounded ends. On the left are the center remnants of a bloom and one tightly closed bloom which only has the very tips of the petals just starting to open from the bud.]

Potato dwarfdandelion (April 12, 2018)
[A top-down view of a fully open yellow bloom. It has two sets of petals. There are eight longer outer petals which have toothed ends. There are five inner petals are only about half as long as the outer ones. In the center are yellow stamen.]

Possibly a member of the dandelion or aster family (September 3, 2017)
[One fully-blossomed flower above multiple completely-closed green buds. The bloom has a wide center yellow section which seems to be a bunch of many short yellow petals. Thin rectangular white petals stick out from behind the yellow center.]

Continue to see more yellow flowers. (page 8 of 19)

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