According to staff at the hotel this pair nests near this pond each year, but they leave after the goslings hatch. In 2014 I saw them come back through the area once. In 2015 I didn't see them return at all although I did see another goose use the nest for her eggs. This page has images of the 2014 goslings and the next page has the 2015 goslings.
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Day-old goslings - they broke free of their shells on April 8, 2014.
Everyone on the move for food.
They may be fresh out of the egg, but they're already swimmers.
Normally all goslings are kept between the parents, but apparently one little one wanted to stay close to Mom.
A close view of the fuzzy, little ones.
The family disappeared within a day of when I took the prior photos. Thirteen days later amid lots of honking they returned with another family walking through the parking lot as if they owned the place.
The family furthest from the camera is the one from above while the family in the back has two older goslings.
A closer view of the 13 day old goslings.
Continue to page 5 to see the 2015 goslings from this pair.
All photos © S. M. Garver